The Great Gatsby Color Symbolism Chart Pdf

The Great Gatsby Color Symbolism Chart PDF provides a comprehensive analysis of the profound role color plays in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s literary masterpiece. This insightful guide unveils the intricate web of symbolism woven throughout the novel, enriching our understanding of its characters, setting, and themes.

Delving into the novel’s rich tapestry, the chart meticulously catalogs the colors employed by Fitzgerald, exploring their multifaceted meanings and the profound impact they have on the narrative. From the vibrant green of the Valley of Ashes to the ethereal white of Daisy Buchanan’s dress, each hue serves as a brushstroke in the author’s evocative portrayal of the Roaring Twenties.

Symbolism of Colors in The Great Gatsby

Color great imagery gatsby journal

Color symbolism is a literary device used to create meaning and evoke emotions through the use of specific colors. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, color symbolism plays a significant role in developing the characters, setting, and atmosphere of the novel.

Symbolism of Colors

Color Symbolism Example from the Novel Explanation
Green Hope, new beginnings, Gatsby’s American Dream The green light at the end of Daisy’s dock Represents Gatsby’s hope and longing for a future with Daisy.
White Purity, innocence, Daisy’s unattainable ideal Daisy’s white dress Symbolizes Daisy’s purity and the unattainable ideal that Gatsby projects onto her.
Gold Wealth, materialism, Gatsby’s facade Gatsby’s mansion and lavish parties Represents the shallow and materialistic nature of Gatsby’s pursuit of the American Dream.
Gray Ambiguity, uncertainty, the Valley of Ashes The industrial landscape of the Valley of Ashes Symbolizes the moral decay and ambiguity of the Jazz Age.

Color Symbolism in Character Development

The great gatsby color symbolism chart pdf

Color symbolism is used to develop the characters in The Great Gatsby by associating them with specific colors that reflect their personalities and motivations.


Gatsby is associated with the color green, which symbolizes his hope and longing for a future with Daisy. His green Rolls-Royce and the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock represent his unwavering pursuit of his dream.


Daisy is associated with the color white, which symbolizes her purity and innocence. Her white dress and the white flowers in her hair represent her unattainable ideal, which Gatsby projects onto her.

Tom Buchanan, The great gatsby color symbolism chart pdf

Tom Buchanan is associated with the color gold, which symbolizes his wealth and materialism. His golden cufflinks and the gold interior of his car represent his shallow and materialistic nature.

Color Symbolism in Setting and Atmosphere

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Color symbolism is used to create the setting and atmosphere of The Great Gatsby by evoking certain emotions or impressions through the use of specific colors.

The Valley of Ashes

The Valley of Ashes is described as a gray, desolate landscape. The gray color symbolizes the moral decay and ambiguity of the Jazz Age. The ash symbolizes the waste and destruction caused by the pursuit of wealth and materialism.

Gatsby’s Mansion

Gatsby’s mansion is described as a golden palace. The gold color symbolizes the wealth and materialism that Gatsby has achieved. However, the mansion is also described as empty and lifeless, suggesting that Gatsby’s pursuit of wealth has come at a great cost.

Cultural and Historical Context of Color Symbolism

The great gatsby color symbolism chart pdf

The use of color symbolism in The Great Gatsby reflects the cultural and historical context of the early 20th century.

Green was a popular color during the Jazz Age, symbolizing hope and optimism for the future. White was also a popular color, representing purity and innocence. Gold was associated with wealth and materialism, which were highly valued during the Roaring Twenties.

The novel’s use of color symbolism aligns with these cultural norms, but it also challenges them. For example, Gatsby’s green Rolls-Royce represents his hope for a future with Daisy, but it also symbolizes the materialism that ultimately destroys him.

FAQ Insights: The Great Gatsby Color Symbolism Chart Pdf

What is the significance of the green light at the end of Daisy’s dock?

The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s unattainable dream of recapturing the past and his love for Daisy.

How does the color white contribute to the characterization of Daisy Buchanan?

White represents Daisy’s purity, innocence, and unattainability, as well as her superficiality and moral ambiguity.

What is the symbolic meaning of the Valley of Ashes?

The Valley of Ashes represents the moral and economic decay of the American Dream, symbolized by its desolate landscape and the lifeless inhabitants who reside there.

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